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Research Projects


The understanding of the therapeutic benefits of specific endocannabinoids is rapidly growing; however, the characterization of the CB2 receptor in this regard is quite diametric so far. We are currently investigating the skeletal and immunomodulatory roles of the CB2 receptor. We also study the therapeutic potential of cannabinoid molecules in osteoporosis, fracture healing, fibrosis and COVID-19 related cytokine storm syndrome. In collaboration with Dr Lihi Adler-Abramovitch, we are developing new delivery systems of CB2 agonists.


Osteoimmunology is a central topic in our lab. Our fields of interest include:

- Mechanism of action and prevention of inflammation-induced osteolysis with emphasis on the bone resorption induced by Titanium particles

- The therapeutic potential of immunotherapy in skeletal diseases


Erythropoietin (Epo) is the main hormone that regulates red blood cells production via its receoptor (EpoR). Together with Prof Drorit Neumann’s group, we reported the role of Epo in bone remodeling and are currently investigating the mechanism of action of the Epo-Epo-R axis. Recently we found a link between the endocannabinoid system and Epo-regulated red blood cell production.

Gut Microbiota

The variety and number of bacteria in our gastro-intestinal tract is greater than our own genome. Studying their roles in regulating physiological and pathological processes is in the forefront of biomedical research. In a collaboration with the Weizmann Institute of Science, we are conducting a large-scale study aimed at identifying the bacterial strains that affect or benefit our bone density.

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